Book Traveling Thursdays #11


Book Traveling Thursdays is a weekly meme hosted by Cátia @ The Girl Who Read Too Much and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. Each week there is a different theme and you must pick a book that goes along with that theme. Once you have a book in mind, your post will be centered around the different covers of that particular book. Firstly, you should explain why you think the book you picked goes with the theme. Then you will show the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover. For more information, check out the Goodreads group.

Since the Oscars is coming up soon, this week’s theme is to choose a book that you would like to see as a movie. Sometimes with books, I think they’re better as books. But other times, I read a book and could easily see it as a movie. For this post, I’m going to have to go with Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I think there was some talk about this book becoming a movie but I’m not sure what’s happening with that. Either way, it would make a great movie!

Original Cover / My Country’s Cover


Favorite Cover

Ready Player One

My favorite cover is most definitely the first US paperback edition. I really liked how it showed the trailers stacked on top of each other! When this was described in the book, it was hard for me to picture it (I had the original hardcover from the library) so when I saw this cover, it made a lot more sense!

Least Favorite Cover


Until I started this post, I had no idea how many editions of this book there actually were! According to Goodreads, there are 93 editions! I didn’t look at all of them but out of the ones I looked at, this one is definitely my least favorite. It’s the Turkish edition and I just really don’t like it at all!

What book do you wish would be turned into a movie? Comment down below and/or link me to your Book Traveling Thursdays post for this week!


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